24 Hr Express Ship - 12' LazerCut, 4-Sided Sublimated Tablecloth (on 2 x 6ft tables combined)

  • 24Hr (1day) Express ship production time for this sku. Proof provided for reference only. No approval needed. Accuracy of the artwork is the customer's responsibility. Order and production ready artwork must be received by 12pm Eastern time. You can use our online art templates or send us clear instructions.
  • 12' LazerCut (or 2 x 6ft tables combined) 4-Sided Sublimated Tablecloth, Drape Style, Closed Back (Made in Canada).
  • These Cost-Effective Throws are laser-cut for a crisp, unfinished edge (not stitched). Laser cut, Heat-Treated Edges will not fray or unravel. Ideal for Tradeshow booth or space which is larger than 10' wide. This 12ft tablecloth (2 x 6' tables combines) makes a stunning impact. Graphics can be utilized on the entire surface as shown.
  • Available in every color, full color sublimated graphics on the entire 12ft table cloth. Drape style tablecloth, simple storage.
  • 100% polyester, stitched edges, machine washable, wrinkle resistant, fire retardant. Lightweight table cover, convenient for travelling and shipping.
Production Time: 1 Working Days
1 $366.65 each
4 $366.65 each
12 $366.65 each
24 $366.65 each
$50.00 each
  • This product will ship in 1 business days if program requirements are met. Proofs not available. Accuracy of the artwork is the customer's responsibility.
    Ideal for a tradeshow booth which is larger than 10'x10. Laser Cut Four-sided table cover creates a lasting impression. Simple storage. Closed back makes it easy to hide materials underneath table. This table cloth will fit a standard 12' table, serge finish. Compliant with flame retardants for exhibit halls. Usage: Presentations, trade shows, retail stores, events, school functions, fundraisers. Price includes full color sublimation. Max Imprint: New Size: 200" x 86"L.
  • Normal Production Time
    1 Working Days

    Product Size
    200" x 86"L

    Country of Manufacture

    Additional Information
  • This Item is Produced and Decorated in-house in Mississauga, Ontario Canada.
  • This Item ships from Mississauga L5T 3A7. You can Estimate Prepaid Shipping online (Subsidized Rates Offered)
  • Shipping Details:
    Carton Quantity: 5 pcs
    Carton Weight: 25lbs
    Carton Size: 16" W x 11" H x 18" L
    CPSIA Compliant

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